Sunday, February 10, 2008

Discovering Carnaval while Geocaching

A nice geocaching day today. I completed a wonderful series of 26 caches today, in a small Flemish Village called Herenthout. The cache series was great because it took me through superb landscapes, and at the end of the series, a carnival procession was starting in the village.

Herenthout claims that this is is apparently the oldest carnival in Belgium, and I certainly don't want to start to start a debate on that, but it is clearly a crazy and joyful moment for the villagers (and lots of tourists who joined). The interesting thing is that there are 45 floats with a group of people who tell a story or perform a specific play... Interesting - look at the pictures

By the way, we had 17 degrees this afternoon in Herenthout. Looks like the global warming conversations will start again at the office tomorrow.

But gosh, the countryside looked so beautiful under the pale winter sun.


Unknown said...

Salut Ellandel, je suis bien content d'avoir ou plutôt de "voir" de tes nouvelles car avec Sam.Mouille on commençait à s'inquiéter un peu.
Au plaisir de te croiser à nouveau !

Ellandel said...

Merci Dominique - Le boulot me prend plus de temps que prévu... Mais on devrait se revoir au Delirium un de ces jours à midi, non ?